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Your communications expense management solution

PinPoint is a revolution in expense management software that integrates and streamlines procurement, billing, financial reporting and inventory management functions through adaptable Web modules.

Pinpoint supports both Telecom Expense Management (TEM) lifecycle and Mobile Communication Lifecycle Management (MCLM) solutions within ONE simple web application.

PinPoint simplifies ordering and approval processes, validates invoices, tracks inventory and facilitates automation of payment.

PinPoint is easy, feature rich and integrated.


Industry research by Gartner, the Aberdeen Group and others has identified that:

  • 50% of companies do not actively manage their IT / telecommunications costs
  • Telecommunications costs alone represent 14% of IT operational budgets, on average - and greater still for customer service or mobile workforce centric entities
  • More than 80% of telecom invoices over-charge by 6-8% on average
  • Over 90% of organizations that undertake a site-by-site inventory of voice/data services identify surplus facilities, representing undue costs

Practical experience has shown that the adoption of structured inventory and bill verification processes can result in operational savings of 20% or more in Year 1, and incremental savings ongoing.


PinPoint CEM is a web-based software solution designed to optimize cost management of IT / telecommunications services, including:

  • Voice and data networks
  • Mobile devices and associated voice & data usage
  • Toll Free and Long Distance

Providing easy to use tools and structured workflows, PinPoint CEM simplifies and unifies a number of business processes, including:

  • Service quotation and ordering (Provisioning)
  • Inventory tracking and management
  • Invoice validation, approval and payment processing
  • Multi-level cost / budget and inventory reporting

Discover the tangible benefits PinPoint provides >

At Syntelica our focus and commitment is to provide the following:
  • A communications expense management solution that integrates easily with client infrastructure and operational processes and procedures.
  • A user friendly web application proven to deliver immediate operational cost savings.
  • A modular approach that allows companies to realize savings annually based on their specific needs.
  • Deployment Solution Options: Hosted Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Premise-Based