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Consulting for Contact Centres

At Syntelica Consulting, we are committed to working with your key stakeholders to understand the goals and objectives of your organization. We help define opportunities to grow your business, developing technology strategies for your organization that optimize your operational performance. We aim to help your business reduce cost, enhance revenue and improve your customer's overall experience by identifying technology enablers, and seamlessly integrating these into your business environment.

We understand that you are seeking a return on your investment.

That is our goal also. Syntelica empowers you in your decision making process, providing detailed ROI and working with you to deliver a solid business case that will allow you to move forward.

Syntelica also recognizes that significant gains can be realized through process re-engineering and infrastructure right-sizing, leveraging technologies already at your disposal. We have extensive experience in identifying opportunities to reduce operational costs, including streamlining of customer interaction, and operational efficiency audits that lead to increased agent occupancy and a reduction in lost paid time. In addition, Syntelica has broad expertise in auditing and consolidating networks, infrastructure and software licensing in order to reduce operational cost without impacting systems performance, scalability or flexibility.

Syntelica is NOT just another I.T. company.

We are a team of Contact Centre professionals whose backgrounds span Call Centre Operations, Program and Project Management, Application Development, Integration and Systems Architecture. We recognize that in order to properly design and implement the technologies that support a Contact Centre environment, you have to understand the Call Centre Operation itself, and value the Customer Experience that it is intended to reinforce.

That is what Syntelica is all about.

“We are committed to the design and deployment of technology solutions that improve contact centre performance and facilitate the achievement of business goals”.